EU QLReddit Duel Tournament – 23rd November

QuakeLive reddit

As the recent QLReddit 2v2 tournament we had was a great success, we are organising another duel tourney. The tourney is open to anyone. There are currently no prizes, although is may change.

Anyone is welcome to stream the games (especially participants!), so long as the players don’t mind and you let an admin know.

If anyone would like to help, in any way, then contact CrazyAl in #qlreddit.


23rdNovember, Check-in opens at 13:00 CET, tourney begins at 14:00 CET.

How to play:

Sign up here. (Click here to sign up with a name that is different from your challonge username)


  • Double elimination. Winners bracket matches are BEST OF THREE. Losers bracket matches are BEST OF ONE. Final match is BEST OF FIVE.
  • You can check-in at our irc channel #qlreddit@quakenet by PM’ing ‘crazyal‘ or ‘tepes‘.
  • You are required to remain in the IRC channel until the tourney has concluded or you are eliminated.
  • The tourney is not restricted to European players only, but it is restriced to European servers.
  • Must have a QL account older than one month.


Maps & Picking:

Winner of cointoss chooses who picks/removes first.

Bo1: Players remove until one map remains.

Bo3: Both players pick one map then remove maps until one tie breaker map remains.

Bo5: pick, pick, pick, pick, remove, remove, final map decider.

  • Aerowalk
  • Cure
  • Furious Heights
  • Lost World
  • Sinister
  • Toxicity
  • Dismemberment


Helpful Links:

QLReddit livestream 

Admins: CrazyAl and 7ep3s.

#qlreddit IRC channel

Get Mumble

QLReddit Mumble server:

  • – password: vbnm

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