You might have noticed the old pickup channel #euqlctf has been traded in for a new one at (quakenet). Why such a drastic and seemingly unnecessary act? The main reason is the fact that can offer us both TDM and CTF games, and later possibly even more modes. The channel name can include just about any possible quakelive gametype and isn’t limited by the tag “CTF” which #euqlctf held in it’s name.
Naturally such a big change comes at a risk. #euqlctf had already become quite a popular pickup channel, with regular games and a great community. So why decide to take the risk of blowing this all anyway? Read More
Steam users, will you stick to Quake Live?
- Yes I will (96%, 22 Votes)
- Just trying out the game (occasional player) (4%, 1 Votes)
- No I won’t (0%, 0 Votes)
- I’m not sure yet (0%, 0 Votes)
Total Voters: 23

(poll closed)
We’d like to see our community prosper and to do just that we need the help of you, the community! Even if our primary goal is to be the place to be for European CTF games, we can not and must not forget our TDM friends out there. Read More
You can find us @ #euqlctf on quakenet where you can play quakelive ctf matches in a pickup format. Dont forget to read read the rules before you start. We will also try to keep you updated on the current events in the QuakeLive CTF (pickup) community, so don’t forget to check back! update (01/10/2008): Read More