The AGP-Tour website is being finalized and in about two weeks the last stage of its beta phase will begin. Over at an interview was published with Jarod Reisin, the CEO of AGP’s “Quake only”-Tour.
For those of you who don’t know what the AGP Tour exactly is,… don’t worry, you’re not alone. About a year ago the organizer Jarod Reisin announced the AGP Tour would organize tournaments for several 1v1 games, such as UT, Q4 and Q3 as well as cover them in a way that’s not been done before.
Yet as soon as this news was released, the whole project just seemed to pretty much fall flat on it’s butt. Today however it seems they are renewing this dream, yet now exclusively for Quake Live duels. Read More
Frag Dominant decided to host a 2v2 Quake 3 cup. Together with this cup, Frag Dominant interviewed 3 well known players – Brian ‘DKT‘ Flander,
Chance ‘chance‘ Lacina &
Shane ‘Rapha‘ Hendrixson – about the cup, Quake 3 and also the future of Quake with Quake Live. Read More