Map 5 of the 6 new maps in 6 weeks is another old map. Unless you played Quake 3 OSPCPMA CTF Pick-ups or Leagues then you may not recognise Courtyard Conundrum AKA q3w2 except in a frag video. Courtyard Conundrum was a staple of the CTF leagues and pick-ups, loved by some and sometimes overlooked by others. The map is fairly balanced and I can see there are changes* being made from the screenshots that Id have released. This is a map you’ll have to know.
After having recently launched a Quake Live ladder, yesterday announced their Quake Live spring league, which will run from 30 March to 31 May.
A league system is different from the ladder format though, so allow me to explain the system for those who are not familiar with it yet.
After having signed up, all competitors are being placed into several groups. Each player has to play against all other players in their group. If you win a match against a player, you get points. If you win enough matches and end near the top of your group, you advance to the playoffs.
The playoffs
Once you reach the playoffs all players will be organized into brackets. From now on, if you’re knocked out, you’re out of the league. Read More
As reported earlier this week, the Quake Live open beta is released today! The Quake Live closed beta website permanently shut down about 36 hours ago to prepare for the grand opening. All we could see these last few hours was a timer, slowly counting down to 0.
A lot of questions remained unanswered. The id software developers have done a great job teasing the community during the closed beta. Right before the site went offline, we were able to find a forum post by the developers, revealing very interesting information. Read More
Today, February 20th 2009, exactly one year since the closed beta for Quake Live was launched, id software announces they will soon start the open beta fase of the Quake Live project. The exact date planned for the public release is 24th of February, which from today is in exactly 4 days. Open beta consequences Read More
Two weeks ago we did a poll here where we asked about your Quake Live FOV. Nearly 400 people voted and the clear winner, with over 40% of the votes, was the 101 – 110 FOV setting.
Today we’re going to continue the trend of having a regular poll. This time we’re curious enough to ask you all how much time you spend every week playing Quake Live.
You can very easily check your play time for the last 7 days in the leaderboards by using the customize option. Read More
Today announced a new Quake Live duel ladder! Everybody is free to participate and you can sign up any time you want. Details Location: [europe] Europe Type: Ladder Game Type: Duel (best of 1) Maps: qzdm6, qzdm13, tourney4, tourney6, tourney7 Prizes: Pride and honour. info: 1on1 Ladder info IRC: #esl.quakelive This is the second Read More
After just having finished the first Quake Live DUEL cup, the guys at #spontan.ql are already preparing a second duel cup in the same format. Details Location: [europe] Europe Places: 32 Game Type: Duel Event start: 08/03/2009 (check in 30 minutes earlier) Prize: ??? (bouncer maybe) Event rules/brackets/info: IRC: #spontan.ql Status: Completed Do Read More
It’s been nearly 1,5 years since the Quake Live project was announced during the 2007 Quakecon event, and a lot has happened since that day.
The name Quake Zero changed to Quake Live due to a domain squatter, a closed beta was launched and a Quake Live tournament was held at Quakecon in 2008.
Today however it seems like Quake Live has reached a new milestone in it’s development. Read More
Some of you may have read in the most recent news update that Quake Live is now using Twitter.
Wait… what? You can’t say that! You’re breaking the beta Non Disclosure Agreement!
Well, not exactly. Twitter is a public feed. Just do a little search in Google for “Quake Live Twitter” and you’ll see that these updates are not private and they are there for everyone to follow.
Ok then. But what exactly is this “Twitter” You’re talking about?
Twitter has been the internet hype of 2008. The Twitter system is similar to “Facebook updates”, and to be honest, that’s really the only thing twitter does: keep people updated about random activities in a short sentence of maximum 180 characters. Read More
The well known gaming website has recently started a Quake Live group. At the moment most participants in this ladder are North American. But also Europeans are more than welcome to join and fight for the first spot in this ladder. Read More