A happy newyear to everyone! Best wishes to all and may you further improve your skills in Quake! Don’t forget your daily dose of Arena FPS. Read More
An article has appeared on esports.gg that compares and looks at games in terms of eSports earnings and events. The author tried to determine what the best eSports game was, but found there were too many factors to determine a clear winner. Let’s have a look at how Quake fares when compared to other eSports titles. Read More
Quakelive Reddit channel organizes a Newbie Duel tournament on Sunday 13:00 GMT, 14 December 2014. Read the official announcement and rules here. Prizes: 1st: 3-month pro token 2nd: 1-month pro token 3rd: 1-month pro token +1-month token given to a random participant. When: 14th December, Check-in opens at 13:00 CET, tourney begins at 14:00 CET. Read More
As the recent QLReddit 2v2 tournament we had was a great success, we are organising another duel tourney. The tourney is open to anyone. There are currently no prizes, although is may change. Anyone is welcome to stream the games (especially participants!), so long as the players don’t mind and you let an admin know. Read More
Most hardcore Quakers are using a customized HUD and since a few months ago, a new element has been added that allows HUDs to be scaled properly for widescreen. A lot of people seem to be aware that there is such a thing, but most don’t know how it works, however, it’s usage is pretty simple. I’ll explain by using a few images so you can edit your custom HUD as well.
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Update: Thanks to InFerNo from Holysh1t.net we now have two 1-month pro tokens to whichever team takes first place and another two 1-month tokens to a team selected at random*
*Teams must play at least one match to qualify.
Redditor crazyal_ is organising a 2v2 TDM tournament on October 26th, available to everyone worldwide, but note that matches will be played on EU servers. The tournament is open for people of all tiers. New players can signup and see how well they match up against other teams. People that are without teams can sign up and get teamed up with someone else. Read the rest of this post for all the necessary details.
We are delighted to announce the opening of #ffapickup, a Quake Live classic ruleset pickup channel on QuakeNet IRC Network. Currently for
EU players, we will add other locations in the future if enough interest is shown.
Thanks to the generosity of SyncError and the Quake Live team, we are extremely pleased to announce that there will be at least a few Sunday tournaments with Pro tokens up as prizes. The duration of the tokens will be up to one year for the first tournament. In total we have a pool of several years worth of Pro subscriptions to give away to our various winners and participants selected at random. Our staff are not eligible for any token prize. Read More
MajkiF has created a few simple short smooth HTML5 videos on Reddit that show off a few tips for new players. Check ‘m out below or go to http://www.reddit.com/r/Quakelive
Learn to dodge – it saves life!
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InfinityFrags is putting tutorials and antics out on Youtube. Their first videos can already be viewed on their Youtube channel. These tutorials will cover the basics of Quake Live weapons. They are also looking for demos to create fun frag movies so check below for all the necessary info.
I’m happy to inform that users are able to register on www.holysh1t.net again, especially considering our traffic went up 1000% since the Steam release of Quake Live. You can use the account to leave messages on the articles to notify me of any errors or changes. Read More
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